'IPv6 and More' is an essential, ad-free app for network engineers, system administrators and computer geeks interested in IPv6, IPv4 and transition mechanisms from v4 to v6. The app also includes all the standard IP tools and tcp/udp/http/https testing. Some important features are:
1) Scan your local network and discover IPv6 and IPv4 devices.
2) Ping and Traceroute (IPv6 and IPv4) with many configurable options.
3) Recursive whois lookups for IPv6, IPv4 addresses and domains with configurable whois lookup depth and base whois server.
4) DNS lookups (dig) for many type of DNS records including AAAA (IPv6), A, PTR, SOA, NS, CNAME etc.
5) Connectivity testing for udp, tcp, http and https protocols. Response header inspection for http and https.
6) Device audit and explanation of the IPv6 and IPv4 addresses discovered.
7) Fully configurable tools (ping, traceroute dig, whois) - TTL, count, packet size, maximum hops, DNS server, DNS query type, whois server, whois depth etc.
8) Fully functional on install with no configuration required using default values. Options to reset values to default.
9) Remembers last 20 user supplied entries to reduce typing.
10) Single tap on the text box copies results to clipboard. Long-press clears display.
11) Tech and IPv6 news.
12) Generates Unique Local IPv6 address ranges (private ranges) by implementing the algorithm specified in RFC 4193.
As IPv6 adoption matures and its penetration in the Android stack as well as at ISP's increases, more features are being implemented in the app.
Feedback in any form (on the marketplace as well as from within the app) will be greatly appreciated. Feature requests are welcome.
Be prepared. IPv6 is here.
NOTE: App requires INTERNET permission.
Please rate the app. Thanks !
Thanks to:
[1] The 'dnsjava' library at http://www.xbill.org/dnsjava/ (under the BSD license - http://www.xbill.org/dnsjava/dnsjava-current/README)
[2] The jsoup HTML parser at http://jsoup.org/ (under the MIT license - http://jsoup.org/license)
[3] Fatcows for great icons - http://www.fatcow.com/free-icons
“IPv6和更多的'是网络工程师,系统管理员和兴趣的IPv6,IPv4和转换机制,从V4到V6电脑爱好者必不可少的,无广告的应用程序。该应用程序还包括所有标准的IP工具和TCP / UDP / HTTP / HTTPS测试。一些重要功能包括:
7)完全可配置的工具(平,跟踪路由挖,域名注册) - TTL,计数,数据包大小,最大跳数,DNS服务器,DNS查询类型,域名服务器,域名注册等深度
12)生成唯一的本地IPv6地址范围(专用范围)通过实施在RFC 4193中指定的算法。
已准备。 IPv6是在这里。
请评价的应用程序。谢谢 !
[1]在http://www.xbill.org/dnsjava/的“dnsjava'库(在BSD许可下 - http://www.xbill.org/dnsjava/dnsjava-current/README)
[2] http://jsoup.org/的jsoup HTML解析器(MIT许可下 - http://jsoup.org/license)
[3] Fatcows伟大的图标 - http://www.fatcow.com/free-icons